Rongmei Lin

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Emory University, working with Prof. Li Xiong. Before that, I received a B.Eng in Electronic Engineering from South China University of Technology.

My research interest includes deep learning and computer vision. I am also particularly interested in invariant representation learning, such as fairness, cross-modal learning, privacy-preserving learning, etc. I am fortunate to work as a research intern at Google AI, Amazon, MERL and Samsung.

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PAM: Understanding Product Images in Cross Product Category Attribute Extraction
Rongmei Lin, Xiang He, Jie Feng, Nasser Zalmout, Yan Liang,
Li Xiong, Xin Luna Dong
KDD 2021

Orthogonal Over-Parameterized Training
Weiyang Liu*, Rongmei Lin*, Zhen Liu, James Rehg, Liam Paull, Li Xiong, Le Song, Adrian Weller
CVPR 2021 (oral)

Learning with Hyperspherical Uniformity
Weiyang Liu*, Rongmei Lin*, Zhen Liu*, Li Xiong, Bernhard Schölkopf, Adrian Weller
arXiv | code | slides

Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical Energy
Rongmei Lin, Weiyang Liu, Zhen Liu, Chen Feng, Zhiding Yu,
James Rehg, Li Xiong, Le Song
CVPR 2020
arXiv | code | slides

Learning towards Minimum Hyperspherical Energy
Weiyang Liu*, Rongmei Lin*, Zhen Liu*, Lixin Liu, Zhiding Yu, Bo Dai, Le Song
NeurIPS 2018
arXiv | code | slides

A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Approach to Medication Dosing and Surveillance in the ICU
Rongmei Lin, Matthew D Stanley, Mohammad M Ghassemi, Shamim Nemati
EMBC 2018 (oral)
pdf | slides

Decoupled Networks
Weiyang Liu, Zhen Liu, Zhiding Yu, Bo Dai, Rongmei Lin, Yisen Wang, James Rehg, Le Song
CVPR 2018
arXiv | code | slides